Ask an Economic Question

You are welcome to ask any questions on Economics. Though you might also like to try google custom search (top right) to see if the topic has been covered before.

I am looking to explain economic principles / ideas/ recent developments in economics. I can’t promise to answer, but will try if it meets the criteria below.

  • Please don’t ask me to do your coursework / assignment e.t.c. (I can usually tell if it is a homework question!)
  • Please don’t ask any maths calculations.
  • The question and answer will be published here so that everyone can see it (including your teacher!)
  • I aim to try and simplify economics; as a rough guide, I would aim at an understanding similar to a good British A Level student.
  • I am looking to explain economic principles/ideas/ recent developments in economics.
  •  I will answer as a new post, if you leave email address, I’ll usually send quick email. Check home page of blog for new post. With question and answers

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2,583 thoughts on “Ask an Economic Question”

  1. Differentiate compensated and ordinary demand curve on the basis of slutsky equation with the help of numerical examples.

  2. The government recently reduced the Value added tax from 18% to 16%. For commodities that are taxed due to the corona virus pandemic,explain what determines the effectiveness of this reduction in terms of demand and supply and state how buyers and sellers benefit.

  3. Hi,because IB Economics 2020 has been reformed, is there any review materials for the latest outline? Thank you

  4. The money flow index of 1929 was 82.547 which is very high and of course, can create a price pullback. Why isn’t this neither marked nor mentioned as a reason for wall street crash by the economists

  5. Using the AD/AS model framework to illustrate and explain the effects of COVID 19 and the lockdown on the south African economy, assume that south Africa was in a state of full employment prior the pendemic and the lockdown

  6. In 2008 regulators tightened regulations to make financial institutions strengthen their balance sheets. I would expect this to reduce the money multiplier and hence reduce the private sector money supply. About the same time central banks introduced qe to increase the money supply. In 2020 c ovid caused asset values to fall, hitting regulatory balance sheets producing further reduction in the money multiplier, and requiring further quantitative easing to compensate for the reduction in money supply. Is this a reasonable analysis?

  7. It is most interesting that you wrote that Protectionism does not work.

    But you failed to mention that countries like the UK and the USA used Protectionism to the MAX, to protect their infant industries. The UK did it even before the Industrial Revolution.

    Then the same UK and USA told smaller nation states, in the 20th century, that protectionism was bad and they must liberalise their economies.

    Hypocrites much?

  8. Where can I find the economics of the failed international european american football league. I was the channel 4 sportscaster for the american football show owith nicky horne. A tremendous television success. Miles Aiken

  9. Hi, hope my question is not too theoretical/boring. I am looking for the correct phrase to describe the situation in which one country is economically behind another, so that the one that lags ends up omitting a whole stage of development, and that actually proves beneficial. E.g. due to their political transformations at the time, Eastern European countries skipped the phenomenon of checks and at some point moved straight to bank cards. While some Western countries still deal with checks, EE do not bother and use the much more convenient payment cards. Do you know if there is a name for this phenomenon? Thank you.

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