Buying vs Renting a House

First time buyers have seen Mortgage payments as a share of income rise significantly in the past 2 years, increasing the cost of buying a house. However, the private rented market has been even more problematic.  In the past four years, rents have risen 20%, pushing tenants to spend a higher share of income on …

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UK Short-Termism


How Short-Termism Is Destroying the UK’s FutureWatch this video on YouTube Back in 2010, when Nick Clegg was asked about nuclear power he said it was pointless because it wouldn’t be ready until 2022. As it happened, 2022 came and went, with an unprecedented surge in global energy prices. Although this was ironic bad luck, …

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Why Landlords are Selling up – Does it Matter?


After the housing crash of 2009, many houses were bought at discount prices by buy to let landlords, and the share of buy to let rose to a record share of the market. But, 2016 was a turning point, with government legislation imposing higher tax rates on landlords in an effort to reverse declining home-ownership …

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Can UK Afford Winter Fuel Discount for Pensioners?


Faced with a black hole in public finances, the Labour government have announced an end to universal winter fuel allowance for pensioners. It will now be means-tested. It means 9.4 million individual pensioners will lose the £200-£300 a year allowance. It will save the government an estimated £1.6bn a year, which as we shall see …

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Why Brexit Failed the UK


In May 2016, Britain voted to leave the EU. The only reason David Cameron held a referendum was because he was convinced he would win. But, he hadn’t expected Boris Johnson to make a last minute switch and help galvanise a Vote Leave campaign. Why Brexit Failed the UKWatch this video on YouTube The result …

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Future of UK House Prices – Boom or Bust?

If you had bought a house in 1996, in just eleven years it would have increased 258% £51,367 to £184,131 (258%). After the credit crunch, there was widespread pessimism and stagnant wages, but it didn’t stop house prices rising  83% from 149,709 to 273,000. In the past 50 years, UK house prices have risen almost …

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