
Definitions of Unemployment uk-unemployment-80-24

  • Unemployment Rate. This is the % of people in the labour force without a job but  registered as being willing and available for work
  • Labour Force  Those people holding a job or registered as willing and able to work
    Therefore this is the number employed plus number unemployed (but actively seeking work)
  • Participation Rate The % of the population of working age declaring themselves to be in the
    Labour Force. This will exclude groups such as long-term disabled, women bringing up children and students

The participation rate is a similar concept to that of ‘economically active’.

See also: definition of unemployment

UK Unemployment stats

Revision notes on unemployment

Causes of unemployment


See: Causes of Unemployment

Unemployment Essays


Why is Eurozone unemployment higher than UK/US?

Trade off between unemployment and inflation


Is there a trade-off between unemployment and inflation?

Natural Rate of unemployment


Types of unemployment


Types of unemployment

Costs of unemployment


Costs of unemployment

See also:

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