The latest stats for UK net migration show annual net migration of 239,000 (Q1 2022). This used to be roughly split between EU and non-EU migrants. But, since Brexit, there has been a big change with 437,000 immigrants from Non-Eu and 195,000 from the EU.
- In Q1 of 2020, there were 437,000 annual immigration from Non-EU countries and 195,000 from EU Countries
- Net migration of EU is now close to zero, with just 58,000, compared to 316,000+ from outside EU.
Reasons for migration into the UK
- According to data by the ONS, the biggest reason for net migration into the UK is to pursue education studies. This accounts for 257,000 (Nov. 2014)
- The second biggest reason is work related 228,000
- The third biggest reason is to join family already living in UK or accompany partner moving to UK – 70,000
- Other reasons 13,000 includes vague responses, such as ‘coming back to live’
Asylum seekers
- 14,734 people were granted asylum in 2021
Reasons for migration depend on country of origin

- For recent arrivals (2007-11) study is one of main reasons for migration.
- Employment and unemployment rates for UK citizens and EU migrants are very similar.