Perfect competition


Perfect competition is a market structure where many firms offer a homogeneous product. Because there is freedom of entry and exit and perfect information, firms will make normal profits and prices will be kept low by competitive pressures. Features of perfect competition Many firms. Freedom of entry and exit; this will require low sunk costs. …

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Diagram of Perfect Competition


Perfect competition is a market structure with: Freedom of entry and exit Perfect information/knowledge Many firms The price is set by the industry supply and demand. Firms are price takers; this means their demand curve is perfectly elastic. If they set a higher price, nobody would buy because of perfect knowledge. Therefore firms have an …

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Ebay and Perfect Competition


There are several features of eBay which make the market competitive – and perhaps close to the model of perfect competition. Many buyers – thousands of people have access to viewing items listed on eBay. If I sold it in traditional means, smaller numbers of buyers would mean lower prices for me the seller. There …

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Efficiency of Perfect Competition

Perfect competition is a market structure Where there are many small firms There is freedom of entry and exit There is perfect information about price and supply Products are homogenous. Definition of Perfect Competition Outcome of perfect competition Firms are price takers Firms will make normal profit (where AR=AC). If firms made supernormal profits – more …

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Do stock markets reflect the model of perfect competition?

Perfect competition is a market structure with the following features Many buyers and sellers – 1000s of firms. Freedom of entry and exit into the market Homogenous good Perfect information In a way, stock markets are an example of perfect competition. There are hundreds of buyers and sellers. When buying shares you can choose from …

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Wage determination in perfectly competitive labour markets

An explanation of how wages are determined in a perfectly competitive labour market. A perfectly competitive labour market will have the following features Many firms Perfect information about wages and job conditions. Firms are offering identical jobs Many workers with the same skills Diagram of wage determination The equilibrium wage rate in the industry is …

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Bertrand Competition

Definition of Bertrand Competition A market structure where it is assumed that there are two firms, who both assume the other firm will keep prices unchanged. Therefore, each firm has an incentive to cut prices, but this actually leads to a price war. If products are perfect substitutes this assumes the price will be driven …

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Non-Price Competition


Definition: Non-price competition involves ways that firms seek to increase sales and attract custom through methods other than price. Non-price competition can include quality of the product, unique selling point, superior location and after-sales service. Models of perfect competition suggest the most important issue in markets is the price. And for a homogenous product like …

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