Readers Question: I’m a paper girl and I get £5.50 a week, 7 days a week, 2 rounds a day. Am I the only one that thinks this is a joke?
From: Wages of Paper Boys
It sounds a very bad deal.
Paper rounds are not covered by statutory minimum wage laws, so wages are determined by supply and demand. However, if you are getting less than £2 an hour then this is really poor, and I wouldn’t think it worth doing.
The minimum wage for 16 and 17-year-olds is £4.05 min wage 16-18
Maybe you could tell your employer you’ve joined a trade union for paper boys/girls and then demand a minimum wage of £2.00 an hour. If you do 7 hours a week, you should be getting £14 a week.
Also, it might be worth thinking of alternative jobs. Hand washing cars could be quite lucrative. Some people are willing to pay £6 to have their car hand washed and polished. You could offer to do it for £4. Then all you need to do is wash 2 cars a week and you will get more than a 7 time a week paper round.
What is a good wage for a paper round?
For a schoolchild under 16 years of age. A decent paper round would be something earning an hourly rate of £3.00. If your round takes 45mins a day – 6 days a week – 4.5 hours a week. Look to get at least £13.50.
Hi there, i’m currently working as a holiday cover paper round boy in my local area, delivering around 20 papers today, wednesday, thursday,friday and sunday. I only just started today and i dont want to ask the woman im working for how much i get payed as its a bit rude. Anyone have any ideas?? It only took about 30 mins. But the one on sunday i have to do the whole of my area which she said will be extra pay. She gets the papers from daily mirror and the sun, and she organizes them for me and i deliver.
You should be getting roughly £10-£12.50 a week, 5 days a week, for a half hour you should be getting between £2 and £2.50 every half an hour, depending on which shop you work at, if it is some popular shop, like the co-op, then you should be getting more towards the £2.50 mark.
Which area is it? Am trying to find a job
My name is Ian I deliver in hendon if you only doing 3 or 4 days £30 or £40 is fair.
i really wanna start a job thats even earns a little pay by being in care i think it would really Benifite me
Me to I’m only 13 but I would like to get a job just to get me a bit of money so I can take my 3 year old brother out or treat him
what type of job have you found. i am also 13 and i want to find a job to help my family and treat my 2 brothers. what type of do you recommend for me i am in Harold hill and i am close to Romford and Noak hill. Many thx
Hi I’m thirteen and looking for a paper round job in my area. I was wondering what the common hours are and the common wages. I would love to know if anyone can let me know.
Hi I’m looking for a newspaper job where can I get one.
Hi I am ten nearly eleven and I want a paper round I live in northwich can anyone help me ou plz
You need to be 13 or over u have a few year yet kid
Hi I’m thirteen and would like to get a paper round job in my area could someone just please tell me the wage and the hours please
I work 10 minutes a day before school and make £15 it’s Monday to Friday
hello i’m 14 years old and i’m trying to get any job what could give me a bit of money so i can treat my family
I’m 12 my name is belle and I am looking for a partner/partners to join me in babysitting but this is if u are ages 12-13 and if u live in Tovil Add me on Instagram at. Bellebelle5082 and do me if ur interested xx
I am 15 years old working a paper round job 7 days of the week. I deliver 17 papers and get paid £27 a week I think that I should be getting paid more . Anyone else agree with me or am I wrong ?
No, i think thats better than other people. But if you want to go higher and ask for a raise then go for it. But personally most people get between £10-£14 and your getting double.
Mate u get £1000 a year from delivering 17 papers a day… I get £5 a week for delivering 108 papers and I have to do it in an hour and a half, be thankful
i got £3.34 for 3 days spent over 3 hours delivering 13 papers and only got £3.34 at the end of the week absoloute joke
Hi, im 13 and wanting to get a job to help support my family. Is there anyone who is 12-14 lives in bedford and wants to be babysitting partners with me?
Hi , I’m 20 and I’m working in a takaway. I’m working 69.33 houres a month and it says per houre is £8.72 which is £604.56 per month but he’s paying me £6 pound per houre and not what it says on the paper so he’s paying me £414 for 69.33 houres I’m so much confused can someone please explain?
I get £98 a week it’s not enough shall I ask for a raise
Hi I’m Fraser I’m A Local Paper Boy I’m 13-14 I deliver 6 days a week, I deliver probably 30-40 papers each day early morning Thursdays and Saturdays are especially harder as there are more maybe getting up to 45 papers I get £22 a week is that alright? That means £3 a day