The main objectives of firms are:
- Profit maximisation
- Sales maximisation
- Increased market share/market dominance
- Social/environmental concerns
- Profit satisficing
- Co-operatives
Sometimes there is an overlap of objectives. For example, seeking to increase market share, may lead to lower profits in the short-term, but enable profit maximisation in the long run.
Profit maximisation
Usually, in economics, we assume firms are concerned with maximising profit. Higher profit means:
- Higher dividends for shareholders.
- More profit can be used to finance research and development.
- Higher profit makes the firm less vulnerable to takeover.
- Higher profit enables higher salaries for workers
See more on: Profit maximisation
Alternative aims of firms
However, in the real world, firms may pursue other objectives apart from profit maximisation.
1. Profit Satisficing
- In many firms, there is a separation of ownership and control. Those who own the company (shareholders) often do not get involved in the day to day running of the company.
- This is a problem because although the owners may want to maximise profits, the managers have much less incentive to maximise profits because they do not get the same rewards, (share dividends)
- Therefore managers may create a minimum level of profit to keep the shareholders happy, but then maximise other objectives, such as enjoying work, getting on with other workers. (e.g. not sacking them) This is the problem of separation between owners and managers.
- This ‘principal-agent‘ problem can be overcome, to some extent, by giving managers share options and performance related pay although in some industries it is difficult to measure performance.
- More on profit-satisficing.
2. Sales maximisation
Firms often seek to increase their market share – even if it means less profit. This could occur for various reasons:
- Increased market share increases monopoly power and may enable the firm to put up prices and make more profit in the long run.
- Managers prefer to work for bigger companies as it leads to greater prestige and higher salaries.
- Increasing market share may force rivals out of business. E.g. the growth of supermarkets have lead to the demise of many local shops. Some firms may actually engage in predatory pricing which involves making a loss to force a rival out of business.
3. Growth maximisation
This is similar to sales maximisation and may involve mergers and takeovers. With this objective, the firm may be willing to make lower levels of profit in order to increase in size and gain more market share. More market share increases its monopoly power and ability to be a price setter.
4. Long run profit maximisation
In some cases, firms may sacrifice profits in the short term to increase profits in the long run. For example, by investing heavily in new capacity, firms may make a loss in the short run but enable higher profits in the future.
5. Social/environmental concerns
A firm may incur extra expense to choose products which don’t harm the environment or products not tested on animals. Alternatively, firms may be concerned about local community / charitable concerns.
- Some firms may adopt social/environmental concerns as part of their branding. This can ultimately help profitability as the brand becomes more attractive to consumers.
- Some firms may adopt social/environmental concerns on principal alone – even if it does little to improve sales/brand image.
6. Co-operatives
Co-operatives may have completely different objectives to a typical PLC. A co-operative is run to maximise the welfare of all stakeholders – especially workers. Any profit the co-operative makes will be shared amongst all members.
Diagram showing different objectives of firms
- Q1 = Profit maximisation (MR=MC)
- Q2 = Revenue Maximisation (MR=0)
- Q3 = Marginal cost pricing (P=MC) – allocative efficiency
- Q4 = Sales maximisation – maximum sales while still making normal profit (AR=ATC)
what about to promote work satisfaction?
can the promotion of work satisfaction be part of the objectives of a firm?
Yes, of course you can ‘promote’ work satisfaction. In fact, if you dip into ‘Requisite Organization’ (Dr Elliott Jaques), you will quickly see that work satisfaction is not only desirable from the employee’s point-of-view, but also necessary for the employer to get the best, willing effort, from the employee – which is THE productivity button. Consider the following description of the employer-employee relationship (as experienced and enabled through the manager-employee relationship):
“A strong, two-way, trusting, working relationship, focused on achieving the business goals and the employee working to their full potential and receiving ‘felt-fair’ pay for that effort.”
The ‘requisite organisation’ of the workplace within which high levels of employee satisfaction are enabled is a different organising paradigm to what passes as current orthodoxy. Current orthodoxy echo’s the instinctual organising scheme of our forgotten ancestors; and ‘an alpha-power hierarchy’, based more on naked (or barely covered) power.
Requisite Organization (although having research and practice roots going back 70 years) is a body of work aimed at satisfying the legitimate business needs of the business owner AT THE SAME TIME as satisfying the legitimate psychological needs of human beings for work.
Inevitably, the human organising scheme of Requisite Organization is strongly resisted by people in the grip of their primitive organising instincts.
If we regress to primitive behaviour in our workplaces, complexity is over-simplified, short-term ‘fire-fighting’ (by charismatic heroic ‘leaders’) becomes commonplace, bullying and harassment are daily events, fear suffuses the workplace limiting individual decision-making etc.
Requisite Organization (RO) has been proven time and again (in some surprising large organisations around the world).
RO can reform policing in the US as well as the CDC and very quickly – if it wasn’t for those seriously habituated to (and have strong, self-justifying arguments for) the alpha-power hierarchy – the organising scheme of our forgotten ancestors/our base survival instincts.
Good academic work
What business objectives cannot be pursued at the same time and why
hello i got a question Should companies also prioritize other objectives e.g. social objectives, ethics, reducing carbon footprint?
These are good explanations on objectives of the firm.
Thank you
Mrs bakole and co as surpassed all her business objectives but is faced with declining profit level at a particular period of time due to the evolution of new related industries.which business objective should she use to solve the problem
Where can game theory or Prisoner’s Dilemma come into use in these alternative aims?
Can you get normal profit if a firm maximizes revenue? If so, could you explain how?
What are the constraints to these objectives from economics POV?
jacob mcqueen said this is spectacular
i agree with jacob it is very useful
This document explains the objectives wonderfully thanks very much 😉 <3