Factors affecting Current Account Deficit


The size of current account deficit/surplus is affected by several factors including: Exchange rate (overvalued exchange rate would cause large deficit) Level of consumer spending (economic growth) and hence import spending Capital flows to finance deficit in long-term Saving rates – influencing level of import spending Relative inflation/competitiveness The current account measures: The balance of …

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Policies to reduce a current account deficit

A current account deficit occurs when the value of imports (of goods/services/inv. incomes) is greater than the value of exports. Policies to reduce a current account deficit involve: Devaluation of exchange rate (make exports cheaper – imports more expensive) Reduce domestic consumption and spending on imports (e.g. tight fiscal policy/higher taxes) Supply side policies to …

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Factors which cause a current account deficit

A current account deficit occurs when the value of imports (of goods, services and investment income) is greater than the value of exports. There are various factors which could cause a current account deficit: 1. Overvalued exchange rate If the currency is overvalued, imports will be cheaper, and therefore there will be a higher quantity …

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Problems of a current account deficit


A current account deficit means the value of imports of goods/services / investment incomes is greater than the value of exports. It is sometimes referred to as a trade deficit. Though a trade deficit (goods) is only part of the current account. If there is a current account deficit, it means there is a surplus …

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Reasons for persistent US Current Account Deficit


Readers Question: How much are US economic policies are responsible for its current account deficit? At one stage, the US current account deficit reached 6.5% of GDP, which was one of the highest in the industrialised world. Since the early 1980s, the US has been running a persistent current account deficit. Reasons for the US …

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Importance of Current Account Deficit


Readers Question What does the size of a current account deficit / surplus say about the state of the economy? A current account deficit means that the value of goods and services imported is greater than the value of exports. A current account deficit requires capital / financial flows to finance this deficit. Despite the …

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How Did Portugal Reduce Current Account Deficit?

Readers Question: Can you tell what Portugal has done to reduce the Current Account GDP deficit so steeply? The reduction in the Portuguese deficit is quite striking. In researching the answer to this question, I came up with a different post – The Portuguese Economic crisis From what I can gather, essentially, the rapid reduction …

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Greece Current Account Deficit 2009

Readers Question: Greece has a current account deficit of almost 14% (!) of GDP and Greece is a member of the EU. How can it resolve the problem if it cannot devalue the currency ( the quick way out, which was used in the past when the greek drachma was around) and when productivity is …

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